Today my sister Jodi would have celebrated her 39th birthday. It has been almost 22 years since we lost her and I still miss her and think about her daily. Our family cherishes the memories and laughs we have of our beautiful sister, daughter, cousin and friend. Neshia and I have nine children between the two of us and three of the five girls share part of her name. All of our kids know about Aunt Jodi and enjoy the memories of her we share with them. She touched many lives during her short seventeen years with us. Growing up the oldest of three girls was great for me....I fought with my sisters, they let me fix their hair, sometimes we got in trouble, but I always remember sticking up for each other! My parents divorced when I was 6, Jodi was 4, and Neshia was just under 2 years old. Our house was full of four strong willed females...I think back on some of the poor guys that took my mom on dates, (we did not make it easy for them)...I guess we just didn't want to share her. Our house only had one bathroom (& the bathroom only had one electric plug outlet-that only worked if the light was turned on)...but that is an entire other story. In the end we all learned to share and love each other dearly! Happy Birthday Jodi....Cheers to the Murie sisters!
Thanks for sharing!:)
I miss you! Cute pics of your sisters and mom.
Cheers to Jodi!! Thank you for sharing this!!
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